Donate to LCI

Please help support our work with a tax deductible donation.

If you would like to make a donation in honor/memory of an individual, you will be prompted to enter their information on the final page of the donation form.

Clean water is the foundation of a healthy and vibrant community. We believe that ensuring clean water leads to many irreplaceable benefits for people including good health, a strong economy, and general well-being. 

LCI's mission is simple: ensure clean water and healthy fish.  This will lead us to happy people.

Our mission is one that relies on partners like you to be reached successfully.  Working to prevent pollution and thwart invasive species is simply said, but the road to clean water and healthy fish is an arduous one.  No matter, though, we're making great progress, and together, we'll ensure a Lake Champlain Basin that is clean and healthy for our future generations.

Thanks, again.


The LCI Team